
A caring home from home environment for children from 3 months of age.

Providing a safe and happy nursery environment for your child is as important to us as it is to you. Therefore, our supportive team are here to ensure your child receives individual care and a mix of learning, play and rest time to help them thrive in their earliest years. 

Open 51 weeks of the year

We understand it’s difficult to juggle childcare with work and other commitments, and even harder in school holidays if you work either part or full time. Providing ultimate flexibility, our Nursery is open from 8am to 6pm throughout the year, including the school holidays, only shutting for Christmas week, bank holidays and two INSET Days. And to ease daily pressures, we provide children with breakfast (included in standard monthly fee) if arriving before 8.15am.

Our ethos

Our ethos is one of caring integration. Whilst all nursery children benefit from dedicated facilities, we ensure they have a chance to mix with other age groups. For example, Nursery children attend assemblies and also watch the older children take part in school plays and concerts. We also have ‘dress-up days’ which help children to stretch their imaginations, and everyone in the School and Nursery enjoys the chance to get involved.

Mealtimes in the School are shared by everyone; Nursery, Pre-School, School, and of course teachers too, meaning we maintain that happy family feel throughout the day. 

Our Nursery staff

Every child in our care has a key worker assigned to them who looks after their individual needs and gives parents feedback on the child’s activities and development. In addition to this daily handover, we also offer regular parents evenings where you are able to review progress more fully.

With a high ratio of staff to children, we create a happy environment that is lively but under control at all times! And of course, our staff are selected for their friendly and caring nature.

Babies 0-2 years

Our youngest children are cared for in a light, comfortable and homely environment. Whilst babies are provided with separate and quiet sleeping space in our dedicated cot room, all children up to the age of 2 years mix together. This means they learn to play together, to share and of course, the younger ones learn from the older children too. 

Facilities for 0-2s include:

  • Soft play areas, carpeted floors and activity mats
  • Dedicated outside play areas with all-weather surfaces and age appropriate play equipment
  • Covered play areas are also available
  • Separate cot room for sleeping/naps for the youngest babies
  • Language classes are provided primarily through creative learning methods, such as singing
  • Weekly Music and Movement classes are provided
  • PE lessons are also provided
  • Breakfast provided for children arriving before 8.15am

Children 2-3 years

Our oldest children in the Nursery, 2-3 year olds are now exploring the world around them more, soaking up new knowledge and experiences. As a result, we build on the simple language skills already learnt and introduce the basic concepts of French and Mandarin. And to help them learn about the natural environment we also introduce Forest School.

Facilities for 2-3 years includes:

  • Interconnected rooms provide children opportunities to learn and play more independently
  • More structured activities are introduced to keep brains stimulated and developing
  • Activities such as Movement and Music help children learn to express themselves creatively
  • PE classes continue to be offered
  • A book corner and a wider range of toys are also available
  • Forest School classes are provided on-site helping children to explore the natural environment
  • Breakfast is provided for children arriving before 8.15am


Moving on to Pre-School

Children who attend Nursery are automatically transferred into Pre-School at the age of 3 years. This ensures continuity of care for your child and helps them to transition to the next stage of their development and education with the minimum of upheaval. Find out more about Pre-School here.


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