
Children usually join Pre-School directly after their third birthday.  

In Pre-School we are committed to helping all pupils continue with the next stage of their development. Children at this age are enthusiastic learners and it is our privilege to support their next steps towards mainstream education. In particular, our fully qualified teachers work with the nursery staff to offer a diverse mix of play and learning opportunities.

Open 51 weeks of the year

Just like the Nursery, Pre-School is open every week of the year, except Christmas week and bank holidays, and from 8am to 6pm each day. What’s more, school holidays throughout the year are included, and if your child arrives by 8.15am, they enjoy breakfast each day, also included in the standard monthly fee.

Our ethos

Pre-School children have reached an age where they are learning to become more independent. Consequently, our ethos is to provide a caring but stimulating environment where children thrive both socially and educationally guided by the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.

Our Pre-School staff

We have an outstanding provision in Pre-School.  Two fully qualified full-time teachers are assisted by two full-time Teaching Assistants, alongside our additional staff.

We believe that we offer one of the best Pre-School teaching experiences in the enture area.

A mix of nursery and qualified teachers means your child receives a rich and varied experience in Pre-School. We follow the Government’s recommended Early Learning Goals, which assures parents of the quality and standard of our care. With this in mind, staff are focused on helping children to explore different subjects and the world around them whilst providing plenty of time for play and fun too.

Life in Pre-School

There’s a lot going on at Pre-School but everything is designed with the needs of inquisitive learners in mind.

At this stage, we encourage children to be more independent. For example, from the simple act of finding and doing up their own coats or shoes, to ensuring they continue to mix with other children across the School.

Children take their first steps into the world of ICT, PE, and continue learning Languages with specialist teachers. We introduce a focus on phonics creating a strong foundation for future learning.

In addition, Swimming classes are also available. A theme for all activities helps children to learn about different topics and subjects in a fun and interactive way and we let parents know about the themes as they change so the learning can carry on at home too.

Pre-School Classes & Activities
  • PE and Football lessons are provided by specialist teachers
  • An outdoor classroom helps children discover the natural world and provides covered play areas
  • Interconnected rooms provide free access to play, craft activities, painting, music, colouring, drawing and writing
  • Weekly Music and Movement classes continue with a ‘Jo Jingles teacher’
  • Pre-School children mix with older children by getting involved in school productions, plays and assemblies
  • Parents evenings are scheduled to discuss your child’s development with their teachers
  • Children wear a uniform of polo shirt and sweatshirt



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