
At Our Lady’s our balanced and enhanced curriculum delivers a challenging and inspiring approach to a broad base of subjects.  And most importantly, our teachers provide individual support and encouragement to every child.

Whether a child needs additional learning support to help them develop, or they need to be challenged more, we work as a team providing the structure and expertise needed.


Our approach

Our academic programme is based on the new National Curriculum guidelines, complemented with tried and tested commercial schemes of work. The Prep children are also introduced to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning skills plus CEM testing, in order to prepare them for 11+ and scholarship exams in Prep IV.

At Our Lady’s, we seek to foster curiosity and a real enjoyment of lifelong learning. Children are encouraged to think creatively, to challenge themselves physically and mentally, and to aspire to be people who make a difference in the world.

Core subjects

The Arts, Science and Humanities (R.E, Geography and History), Languages, Fundamental British Values, morality and spirituality at the heart of the school curriculum, with ICT integral to the teaching of these subjects.

From as young as three months, children have access to The EYFS curriculum as well as exploring two languages – French and Mandarin with specialist language teachers – through simple word games, singing and drama. Forest School is accessed by children from the age of 2-4 years. From three years upwards, children also access Swimming, PE and Football.

In the Infant and Preparatory School, children are taught by specialist teachers in the two languages stated above as well as Football, Games, Music, Swimming and Forest School – all taught by specialist teachers.


Full List of subjects - KS1  
English PSHE
Mathematics Art and Design
ICT Music
French PE
RE Football
Chinese Mandarin Swimming
Science Forest School




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