Through the teaching and learning of RE, we equip every child with the spiritual, moral and social values to become a well-rounded individual ready for the modern world.

RE at Our Lady’s is a vital curriculum subject which is taught from Reception onwards. Most importantly, our programme of study enables children to explore and express their beliefs in a safe and supported environment.



Collective worship is a very important part of life at Our Lady’s and all children are expected to be involved in beginning and end of day prayers, as well as a short prayer before and after lunch. Mass is said in the school hall by our parish priest on a termly basis, as well as other special events such as Ash Wednesday.


Religion and society

The children learn about God, biblical stories and also study the main religious events in the Christian calendar such as Advent, Christmas and Easter. The curriculum also allows children to explore the main festivals of other world religions.

Classes at Our Lady’s also help pupils understand British values with a focus on SMSC, meaning children can explore the concept of democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty. Additionally, we stress the importance of mutual respect and tolerance, especially toward those with different faiths or beliefs.



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